Resource Library:
Gathered Tools for Providers
Beyond the tools and resources that the MHN has developed specifically for its membership in San Bernardino County, the Network has gathered other publicly available resources to help providers in optimal service delivery for families accessing the maternal health system.
1-2-3 Don’t Shake Me Brochure
View this brochure on how to make your CRYing Plan. This brochure discusses 3 steps parents can plan to handle when your child is crying. This brochure also goes over injuries, signs, and symptoms parents to look out for abusive head trauma/shaken baby syndrome.
Parenting Tips, Shaken Baby Syndrome
Resource Type:
Brochure, Pamphlet
5 Strategies to Strengthen Marketing of Local Health Department Recruiting Efforts
NACCHO is pleased to present this new resource to help facilitate efforts to expand and improve the public health workforce and attract the next generation of public health professionals. The 5 Strategies to Strengthen Marketing of Local Health Department Recruiting Efforts is designed to provide tangible ideas for promoting health departments as a great place to work and getting job openings in front of viable candidates. It provides actionable information, helpful links, and real-world examples from local health departments and private sector recruitment efforts.
Workforce Development
Resource Type:
Toolkit, Guide
5P’s Substance Use Disorder Screening Tool
The 5 P's Integrated Screening Tool is a quick, non-threatening, and effective screening tool for pregnant persons that asks about use of alcohol and drugs as well as depression, violence, and tobacco. It provides clear guidelines for use and follow up recommendations.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
Assessment, Screening Tool
A Blueprint for Improving Maternal and Infant Health Outcomes Under Medicaid
As federal and state policymakers seek to improve maternal and perinatal health outcomes, policies such as community-based models and an extension of 12-month postpartum coverage have been implemented. The Medicaid program will serve an important role in implementing these innovative changes, including evaluation of health outcomes, assessment of the economic impact, and establishment of strategies to support sustainability. This blueprint aims to support and imporve maternal and infant health outcomes under the program.
Resource Type:
A Roadmap to combat postpartum haemorrhage between 2023 and 2030
In recognition of the growing need for global action to improve PPH prevention and care, the World Health Organization (WHO) worked together with key stakeholders to develop this Roadmap to combat postpartum haemorrhage. The Roadmap outlines goals, activities and milestones for global-level research, normative work (i.e. relating to norms and standards), implementation and advocacy, between 2023 and 2030, to address key PPH priorities and fast-track progress towards SDG target 3.1. This Roadmap establishes an innovative, solution-driven and customized strategic framework that is centred on the maternal health goals and priorities of countries with a high burden of PPH, and which calls for investments into critical areas of health systems, with special emphasis on LMICs.
Pregnancy-related risk-factors, Postpartum
Resource Type:
Addressing Mental Health in
BIPOC Communities: Key Cultural
Considerations for MCH Webinar Slides (04.08.21)
Presnted by Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP). This webinar aims to increase understanding of the cultural context for mental health programming and service delivery in underserved communities as well as identify a strategy for addressing mental health in underserved communities.
Mental Health, Indigenous populations, Black/African American Families
Resource Type:
Presentation Slides, Training/Webinar
Advancing Racial Equity Discussion Guide
This guide is to be used in conjunction with viewing the webinar series and includes a webinar summary, pre- and post-webinar questions, an activity and resources for each webinar in the series. Primarily designed for public health students and professionals, this guide can be used by anyone interested in having meaningful discussions about racism and racial equity.
Health Equity
Resource Type:
Training/Webinar, Guide
American College of Surgeon's (ACS) Intimate Partner Violence Toolkit
The American College of Surgeon's (ACS) Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Toolkit has been developed for ACS members and includes information on the risks of IPV, and how to recognize IPV in your colleagues, patients, and yourself. It also includes information on how to determine if one is in danger and how to plan for safety, what the current laws are around IPV, and how to get help. This toolkit will continue to be enhanced with additional resources added over time.
Domestic violence, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Resource Type:
Amplifying Maternal Voices Toolkit: Workbook
The Amplifying Maternal Voices toolkit offers creative ideas and practical tools to empower individuals in shaping perinatal mental health care at the local level. This companion workbook includes tips and templates to help you take action.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Baby Safety Month Toolkit
Several tools from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) to help your organization spread the word using different strategies. Rather than choosing to focus energy and resources on one or the other, they recommend using a combination to connect with stakeholders, customers and parents to further the message.
Baby Safety
Resource Type:
BabyCenter Birth Plan Template
This Birth Plan Template allows families to outline their preferences for the birth process and inform their healthcare provider of important considerations. It covers areas such as preexisting medical conditions, birth team and support system, labor and delivery methods, positions and medications, and newborn care.
Pregnancy journey, Labor and Delivery
Resource Type:
Babylist Birth Plan Template
This Birth Plan Template allows families to outline their preferences for the birth process and inform their healthcare provider of important considerations. It covers areas such as preexisting medical conditions, labor and delivery methods, positions and medications, and newborn care.
Pregnancy journey, Labor and Delivery
Resource Type:
Be The Spark: Spark Sickle Cell Understanding Brochure
This brochure is designed to build a foundation of sickle cell knowledge, deepening the understanding of sickle cell disease and how it can affect your body. This brochure can help a reader, EXPLORE what sickle cell is, UNDERSTAND the impact hemoglobin Sickle has on the body, LEARN MORE about available treatment options to discuss with your doctor, & EXPERIENCE a stronger partnership with your care team. These topics can help to reinforce and build on your sickle cell knowledge, allowing you to spark more meaningful conversations with your care team.
Sickle Cell
Resource Type:
Birth Spacing Toolkit
The Birth Spacing Toolkit provides information to parents about the importance of waiting at least 18 to 24 months after a live birth before attempting the next pregnancy. Shorter intervals between pregnancies are associated with high-risk pregnancies and births. Also included with this toolkit are guidelines for making the most of the materials within the toolkit. Most of which can be used as part of strategies already used to communicate with the people, groups and communities served.
Birth Spacing
Resource Type:
Website, Toolkit
Black Birthing Bill of Rights
The Black Birthing Bill of Rights is a resource for every black person that engages in maternity care. The NAABB wants each black woman and birthing person to know their rights and to have the tools to confidently exercise these rights. The Bill of Rights also serves as guidance for government programs, hospitals, maternity providers and others as they transform their policies, procedures, and practices to meet the needs of Black birthing people.
Black/African American Families, Health Equity, Reproductive Health
Resource Type:
Infographic, Website
Black Community Education Toolkit - COVID-19 Vaccine Education Initiative
Many Black families and individuals have concerns and questions about COVID vaccinations. The AD Council COVID collaborative have created a toolkit to make it easy to educate your community members about COVID-19 vaccines.
Black/African American Families, COVID-19
Resource Type:
Black Mammas Matter Alliance: 2024 Black Maternal Health Week Toolkit
BMMA has created this social media toolkit as a resource to assist all campaign participants with amplifying BMHW24 across networks and channels. The theme below will highlight the widespread restrictions on abortion care access coupled with rising cases of criminalization due to pregnancy loss which continues to widen the gaps of adverse maternal and birth outcomes in the U.S.
Black/African American Families
Resource Type:
Black Maternal Health Equity Campaign Social Media Toolkit
The Perinatal Equity Initiatives (PEI) of Riverside and San Bernardino counties have partnered to launch a maternal health equity campaign to increase awareness of the growing number of maternal and infant mortality in the Black community. The campaign’s theme is Rallying Around Sisters: Redefining and Strengthening the Village, intentionally chosen to highlight the importance of community in combating the alarming statistics related to Black maternal and infant mortality.
Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI)
Resource Type:
Social Media Toolkit, Toolkit
Black Women, Birthing People, and Maternal Mental Health Fact Sheet
Almost 40% of Black mothers and birthing people experience MMH conditions. Compared to white women, Black women are twice as likely to experience MMH conditions but half as likely to receive treatment. This Fact Sheet discusses how social determinants of health impact Black people, includes information about Black-women led organizations addressing maternal health, and identifies barriers to care as well as strategies to overcome these barriers.
Black/African American Families, Mental Health, Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI)
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
BreastfeedLA: Breastfeeding and Lactation Advocacy 101 Toolkit
Created by BreastfeedLA, this Breastfeeding and Lactation Advocacy toolkit has several goals:
-To be a resource for breastfeeding advocates so that they can better serve breastfeeding and & lactating parents and families;
-To educate parents and families about their rights and how to advocate for themselves;
-To serve as a resource for employers and community organizations who employ lactating parents and individuals;
-To serve as a resource for policy makers to enact policies that better serve breastfeeding and lactating individuals and families.
Patient Rights, Breastfeeding/Lactation
Resource Type:
Build a Healthy Eating Routine for Your Baby (Birth to Age 2)
Infographic guide to giving your child a healthy nutritional start from infancy to 2 years old. To find more information, this infographic is part of a larger webpage full of resources that will help you learn more about the Dietary Guidelines for healthy eating across the lifespan from birth to older adulthood.
Resource Type:
Infographic, Guide
Building Patient-Provider Trust to Help Patients Navigate a Biased System
Center for Health Care Strategies, October, 2022: This tool aims to help providers better understand the impact of their own bias and to better serve patients and families of color. It also includes a handout for patients and families on preparing for medical appointments, which can support effective engagement with providers.
Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI), Black/African American Families
Resource Type:
Building Your Perinatal Care Team E-Book
Check out this new e-book and supporting materials developed to educate mothers, birthing people, and healthcare stakeholders about the diverse range of healthcare workers who offer support through a range of reproductive and sexual health events such as pregnancy, infertility, loss, and the postpartum period. These materials are culturally appropriate, trauma-informed, and gender inclusive. We created this resource to offer informational support during a time that can be overwhelming for people and their families.
Prenatal Care, Pregnancy journey
Resource Type:
Guide, Toolkit
CDC Breastfeeding Tools and Resources
CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) is committed to increasing breastfeeding rates throughout the United States and to promoting and supporting optimal breastfeeding practices toward the ultimate goal of improving the public’s health.
Resource Type:
California Black Birth Justice Agenda: Unifying the Vision for Systemic Change
The California Black Birth Justice Agenda seeks to amplify and uplift coordinated, strategic actions to advance birth justice for Black Californians, and subsequently Californians of all races and ethnicities. This agenda is a tool and a call to action for everyone–including our policymakers, health systems, health insurance plans, community-based organizations, professional associations, and more.
Black/African American Families, Health Equity
Resource Type:
Toolkit, Guide
California Preterm Birth Initiative
The California Preterm Birth Initiative conducts and funds transdisciplinary research across the reproductive life course to probe risk and resilience factors and to identify promising interventions that can turn the curve on the preterm birth epidemic.
Preterm Birth
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
Center for Health Care Strategies: Health Literacy Fact Sheets
These health literacy fact sheets can help stakeholders understand, assess, and improve health literacy practices. The fact sheets define health literacy, highlight its important connection to health equity, and outline ways to measure and improve limited health literacy through written communications, patient-provider dialogue, and enhanced organizational practices.
Health Literacy
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
Clinical Guidance for treating Pregnant and Parenting Women with Opioid Use Disorder and their Infants 2018
This clinical guide was by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA) and provides comprehensive, national guidance for optimal management of pregnant and parenting women with opioid use disorder. This guide can help healthcare professionals and patients determine the most clinically appropriate action for a particular situation and informs individualized treatment decisions.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support: A Blueprint for Communities
This Blueprint, developed with a public health lens, aims to increase local capacity to implement community-driven approaches to support chest/ breastfeeding, centered on the needs of populations disproportionately impacted by structural barriers that leads to low rates of breastfeeding. The goal of this resource is to ensure that chest/breastfeeding support services are continuous, accessible, and coordinated, and that community spaces are consistently supportive of chest/breastfeeding families. It is intended for any local-level organization and individual that interacts with pregnant and postpartum families. This document provides seven recommendations to establish CoC and strengthen the landscape of support for chest/breastfeeding within communities. These recommendations are categorized into two themes: improvements within the community infrastructure and capacity building of the lactation workforce.
Resource Type:
Coping With Crying Brochure
When your baby won't stop crying, it can be very upsetting. Know that it is normal for your baby to cry. The average newborn cries two to three hours a day, and sometimes more. Sometimes it may seem like your baby never stops crying, and all parents find it hard to cope with crying. It may seem like your baby cries more than others, but ALL babies cry a lot. Reference this brochure for steps on how to soothe your baby.
Parenting Tips
Resource Type:
Dad’s Toolkit: 0-3 Months
The Genesee County Fatherhood Initiative provides a variety of programs and services for fathers, including parenting classes, support groups, and financial assistance. This toolkit helps support fathers navigate breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding/Lactation, Fatherhood
Resource Type:
Dealing with the Effects of Trauma—A Self-Help Guide
This publication, supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, offers valuable insights into the potential connection between traumatic experiences and the challenging symptoms individuals may face. It provides guidance on identifying and understanding the impact of trauma on mental health and offers practical, safe strategies for symptom relief and healing. The project's collaboration with mental health consumers ensures that the content is informed by real-world experiences and tailored to empower individuals on their path to recovery.
Mental Health, Trauma
Resource Type:
Depression and Anxiety During and After Pregnancy (English)
This brochure is meant to help mothers and birthing people, families, and their advocates understand the signs of maternal depression and the interdependence between caregiver-child health and well-being.
Mental Health, Maternal Health
Resource Type:
Depression and Anxiety During and After Pregnancy (Spanish)
This brochure is meant to help mothers and birthing people, families, and their advocates understand the signs of maternal depression and the interdependence between caregiver-child health and well-being.
Mental Health, Maternal Health
Resource Type:
Domestic Violence Toolkit (Oregon State Department of Human Services)
This toolkit was created to be used as a guide to help guide conversations and to educate around the topic of domestic violence. This toolkit is filled with tools to navigate Domestic Violence situations, resources, and more.
Domestic violence
Resource Type:
Toolkit, Guide
Early Childhood Mental Health Toolkit
The Mental Health Colorado foundation created this toolkit to help families, community advocates, Early Childhood Councils, early childhood professionals, and local leaders work together to assess, identify, prioritize, and fund early childhood mental health supports. Our organization is committed to helping advocates implement mental health strategies to support young children and their families across Colorado. This toolkit will give you an overarching plan for addressing early childhood mental health and promoting strategies in your community. It contains resources and steps you can use to ensure every child has a path to success.
Mental Health, Early Childhood
Resource Type:
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) - English
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale was developed to screen postpartum women for depression in an outpatient setting. It is a 10 question screen that takes about 3-5 minutes to complete, and is easy to score. The EPDS asks the patient how she has been feeling over the last seven days. It has been validated for use during both pregnancy and the post-partum period. It has been translated into 23 languages.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Assessment, Screening Tool
Elimination of Non-medically Indicated (Elective) Deliveries Before 39 Weeks Gestational
The CMQCC Early Elective Delivery Task Force worked collaboratively with the March of Dimes and the California Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Division, to create the Elimination of Non-medically Indicated (Elective) Deliveries Before 39 Weeks Gestational Age toolkit. The goals of the Toolkit are to decrease deliveries before 39 weeks in California and to help disseminate and determine best practices for prevention of early deliveries and to outline the most effective strategies for supporting California health care providers in implementing those practices.
Labor and Delivery
Resource Type:
Elimination of Non-medically Indicated (Elective) Deliveries Before 39 Weeks Gestational Age toolkit
The CMQCC Early Elective Delivery Task Force worked collaboratively with the March of Dimes and the California Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Health Division, to create the Elimination of Non-medically Indicated (Elective) Deliveries Before 39 Weeks Gestational Age toolkit.
Labor and Delivery
Resource Type:
Equitable Donor Milk Access Blueprint
The Blueprint addresses the pressing issue of inequitable access to donor milk, which can have a profound impact on the health and well-being of vulnerable infants and their families. By providing evidence-based strategies and solutions, the Blueprint encourages healthcare providers, policymakers, and funders to implement sustainable and inclusive practices to support equitable access to donor milk.
Resource Type:
Guide, Toolkit
Equity & Inclusive Language Toolkit
NACCHO and the Breastfeeding Public Health Partners (BPHP) have developed a new Lactation Equity & Inclusive Language Toolkit. The toolkit encourages local health departments and other stakeholders to use language and imagery that reflect the different ways people (including the LGBTQIA+ community) experience parenting and lactation. The toolkit also has a repository filled with inclusive lactation resources and a glossary of equitable lactation and maternal-child health terms.
LGBTQIA+, Health Equity
Resource Type:
Establishing and Maintaining Partnerships and Engagement Efforts with Refugee, Immigrant, and Migrant (RIM) Communities
This toolkit will provide an overview of established approaches to creating and sustaining partnerships with RIM communities and RIM-led/serving organizations. Issues such as engaging, relating to one another, determining a common agenda, assessing needs, sharing work, and planning for and sustaining relationships are covered. The toolkit also addresses strategies to address challenges and create a mutually beneficial engagement.
Immigrants & Refugees
Resource Type:
Every Mother Counts Maternal Health Advocacy Toolkit
This toolkit is an introduction to advocacy and the tools that can be used to push for change in communities to advance maternal health and health equity. This guide provides background information on the U.S. maternal health crisis, effective solutions, and tools to help make change and reach local policymakers. Change takes time, but progress is possible. The movement for maternal health and birth justice is crucial.
General Health, Maternal Mortality, Advocacy
Resource Type:
Exercise After Pregnancy: Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists answers questions about the benefits of exercise after pregnancy, types of exercises that are recommended, and how to get started after giving birth.
General Health
Resource Type:
Tip Sheet
Father Friendly Check-Up™
The National Fatherhood Initiative has developed this assessment for providers and organizations to use to assess the father-friendliness of your organization and gain access to strategic planning guides and case studies of how others have used the Father Friendly Check-Up.
Resource Type:
A website dedicated to providing information, advice, and content specifically geared towards fathers and fathers-to-be. The website covers a wide range of topics related to parenting, fatherhood, and family life, including articles, guides, and advice on topics such as pregnancy, child development, parenting tips, product recommendations, and lifestyle content. Fatherly aimed to support and engage with modern dads and promote their active involvement in their children's lives.
Resource Type:
For Dads: Substance Abuse Resource
This page offers tips and practices for fathers struggling with substance abuse themselves, or for those seeking strategies to talk with their children about drugs and alcohol. Each bullet point on this website explores different resources related to tips and best practices regarding substance abuse.
Substance Use, Fatherhood
Resource Type:
Guide for Integrating Mental Health Care into Obstetric Practice
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has developed a Guide for Integrating Mental Health Care into Obstetric Practice. It provides strategies for operationalizing mental health screening, assessment, treatment, referral, monitoring, and follow-up in obstetric practices.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Website, Guide
Happy Dads. Healthy Babies. Infant Vitality Toolkit
This free Infant Vitality Toolkit helps men learn how to be the best dads they can be to help their babies grow, learn and thrive. It discusses topics such as Career & Life Planning, Dads & Child Support, Dads Role in Breastfeeding, and more.
Fatherhood, Breastfeeding/Lactation
Resource Type:
Toolkit, Website
Health Connect One: Changing the Narrative: The Doula Medicaid Reimbursement Storybook (2023)
Health Connect One created a storybook that highlights the experiences of doulas and their challenges with reimbursement. The storybook features firsthand accounts from doulas across the United States, detailing their experiences with insurance companies, Medicaid, and other challenges they face in their work.
Resource Type:
Health Relationships for Teens Toolkit
This toolkit will help teens reflect on themselves and their relationships, connect with important people in their lives through deeper conversations and activities, and develop the skills needed for successful relationships now and in the future.
Healthy relationships, Teens
Resource Type:
Healthy Relationship Toolkit
The Healthy Relationship Toolkit, explores many of the different types of relationships we have as adults and pays particular attention to intimate partner relationships. The toolkit allows providers an opportunity to explore the onset and impact of abuse within a relationship - exploring both overt abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour. The toolkit goes on to provide the opportunity to discuss consent and how to ask for help if have experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence.
Domestic violence, Healthy relationships
Resource Type:
Hospital Action Guide for Respectful and Equity-Centered Obstetric Care
The purpose of the Hospital Action Guide is two-fold. First, it will help hospital teams including physicians, nurses, quality improvement leaders, and obstetric champions understand the drivers of inequities in maternal care and deepen the understanding of how and why racism, discrimination, and implicit bias are root causes of maternal inequities. Second, the Hospital Action Guide will provide hospital maternity teams with a sample of equity-centered tools and resources that go beyond California’s Implicit Bias Training and may translate into real change in culture and patient care.
Health Equity
Resource Type:
Guide, Website
How We Can Protect Our Children: SecondHand Smoke Brochure
This CDC brochure equips you with the knowledge and tools to protect your children from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Learn how even small amounts of smoke exposure can impact their health, and discover strategies to create a smoke-free haven for your loved ones. Breathe easy, knowing you're giving your kids the healthiest start possible!
Substance Use
Resource Type:
How to Communicate Effectively About Early Relational Health: What It Is and Why It Matters - A messaging guide
This guide is meant to be a tool to help the many voices supporting and working on Early Relational Health to speak the same language and spread awareness, spark interest, advocate holistically, and accelerate change.
Relational Health
Resource Type:
Guide, Toolkit
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy Toolkit
The Improving Health Care Response to Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP) toolkit was developed by the HDP Task Force to support timely recognition and response to maternal hypertension and preeclampsia. This version updates the 2014 California Department of Public Health and CMQCC Preeclampsia Toolkit and contains expanded content to cover all HDP.
Perinatal Health Conditions, Preeclampsia
Resource Type:
Website, Toolkit
Improving Health Care Response to Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum Toolkit
The Improving Health Care Response to Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum Toolkit was developed by the Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy and Postpartum Task Force as a resource for obstetrics, primary care and emergency medicine providers who interact with women during prenatal care or the postpartum period.
Postpartum, General Health
Resource Type:
Improving Health Care Response to Obstetric Hemorrhage Toolkit
The CMQCC OB Hemorrhage Task Forc developed the Improving Health Care Response to Obstetric Hemorrhage toolkit to help obstetrical providers, clinical staff, hospitals and healthcare organizations develop methods within their facilities for timely recognition and an organized, swift response to hemorrhage.
Resource Type:
Improving Health Care Response to Preeclampsia: A California Toolkit to Transform Maternity Care
The primary aim of Improving Health Care Response to Preeclampsia: A California Toolkit to Transform Maternity Care is to guide and support obstetrical providers, clinical staff, hospitals and healthcare organizations to develop methods within their facilities for timely recognition and an organized, swift response to preeclampsia.
Perinatal Health Conditions
Resource Type:
Improving Health Literacy for More Equitable Health Outcomes
This infographic defines health literacy and its importance to improving health outcomes and lowering health care costs. It also highlights ways health care organizations can better support the people and communities they serve with clear, effective health information. For additional insights on improving health literacy practices, view the health literacy fact sheets, developed by the Center for Health Care Strategies.
Health Equity, Health Literacy
Resource Type:
Improving Health Literacy for More Equitable Health Outcomes
This infographic defines health literacy and its importance to improving health outcomes and lowering health care costs. It also highlights ways health care organizations can better support the people and communities they serve with clear, effective health information. For additional insights on improving health literacy practices, view the health literacy fact sheets, developed by the Center for Health Care Strategies.
Health Equity
Resource Type:
Improving Hospital Breastfeeding Support Implementation Toolkit
This toolkit contains information about breastfeeding promotion in the inpatient setting, designed to assist health care organizations and hospital teams in planning and implementing performance improvement projects. The approach described in this toolkit can be modified to the specific circumstances and goals for breastfeeding support across a variety of settings. This resource is not intended as a prescriptive manual on how to implement breastfeeding support programs, rather it describes the experience from the perspective of a large health care system and provides tactics and tools to facilitate the process.
Resource Type:
Improving Pediatric Care Through Patient and Family Engagement Assessments
This tool emphasizes the significance of patient and family engagement assessments in evaluating existing strategies and understanding the care experience. It provides practical considerations for pediatric care teams, including securing long-term funding, dedicating staff time, and obtaining leadership support. The tool offers insights on selecting appropriate assessment methods, with applicability to providers serving patients of all ages.
Quality of Care
Resource Type:
Toolkit, Guide
Inclusive Communication
Surrounding Childbirth, Lactation,
and Infant Feeding
These PowerPoint slides are part of a breastfeeding curriculum prepared by the American Academy of Pediatrics on Inclusive Communication Surrounding Childbirth, Lactation, and Infant Feeding.
Resource Type:
Presentation Slides
Incorporating Community-Based Doulas into Medicaid: State and Plan Considerations to Encourage Doula Participation
Doulas are trained professionals who provide emotional, physical, and informational support during the prenatal, labor and delivery, and postpartum periods of pregnancy. Doulas are shown to improve health outcomes for the pregnant person and their infant, including reducing high-risk pregnancies, low birthweight babies, and rates of cesarean sections, as well as increasing breastfeeding initiation rates.
Doulas, Medicaid
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
Increasing Access, Quality, and Equity in Postpartum Care in Medicaid and CHIP: A Toolkit for State Medicaid and CHIP Agencies
This toolkit provides practical information to help state Medicaid and CHIP agencies maximize the use of existing authorities to increase postpartum care access, quality, and equity for Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries. The toolkit also includes a strategy checklist and suggestions for partnering with Medicaid and CHIP managed care plans (MCPs) to implement QI strategies.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Increasing Capacity to Address Health, Justice, & Equity Through Partnerships: A Guide to Help Health Centers, Domestic Violence Programs, & Civil Legal Aid Organizations Address & Prevent Intimate Partner Violence, Human Trafficking, & Exploitation
This guide aims to assist Health Centers, Domestic Violence Programs, and Civil Legal Aid Organizations in tackling and preventing Intimate Partner Violence, Human Trafficking, and Exploitation.
Human trafficking, Domestic violence
Resource Type:
Inland Empire Breastfeeding Resources (English and Spanish)
This comprehensive document is intended to help you locate breastfeeding clinics and resources in the Inland Empire that will fit your needs. For more information on breastfeeding resources, visit
Resource Type:
Info sheet, Local resources
Intersection of Suicide, Overdose, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Formative, Process, and Outcomes Evaluation Template
The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) , in collaboration with Joslyn Levy & Associates (JLA), is pleased to announce the newly added resource Intersection of Suicide, Overdose, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Formative, Process, and Outcomes Evaluation Template.
This template offers a structured guide for developing formative, process, and outcome evaluation plans, aligning with strategic goals. It helps organizations assess program feasibility, monitor activities, and evaluate long-term impacts on target populations. The resource includes worksheets for brainstorming, creating a logic model, and developing an evaluation roadmap. Designed for both new and existing programs, it supports ongoing assessment and improvement, ensuring robust, evidence-based community health interventions and fostering sustainable outcomes.
Mental Health, Substance Use, Early Childhood
Resource Type:
Guide, Toolkit
LGBTQIA2S+ Guide for Professionals Working With Lactating Families
The Maine State Breastfeeding Coalition released the "LGBTQIA2S+ Reference for Professionals," a resource developed to help guide professionals working with LGBTQIA2S+ families in their lactation journeys and provide better care. The guide contains resources that are beneficial for both providers and families.
Breastfeeding/Lactation, LGBTQIA+
Resource Type:
La salud mental de las mamás es muy importante: Habla sobre la depresión y la ansiedad durante el embarazo y despues del parto
Esta tarjeta postal es parte de la iniciativa “La salud mental de las mamás es muy importante” del Programa Nacional de Educación de Salud Materna e Infantil (NCMHEP, por sus siglas en inglés) del Instituto Nacional de Salud Infantil y Desarrollo Humano. El NCMHEP es una alianza de más de 30 asociaciones, organizaciones y agencias federales dedicadas a la salud materna e infantil. La tarjeta postal ofrece información a las personas que están preocupadas por algún ser querido que podría tener señales de depresión y ansiedad relacionadas con el embarazo.
Mental Health, Spanish Resources
Resource Type:
Tip Sheet
Learning About Challenges and Helping to Support Breastfeeding (LATCH) Tool
The LATCH Tool was created by the Winter 2022 Healthy Start Breastfeeding Cohort. The tool is designed for lactation counselors, case managers, and others who work with mothers throughout the continuum of care. The tool looks at each phase of the continuum (preconception, pregnancy, birth, fourth trimester, and postpartum/motherhood) and identifies potential risk factors, protective factors, questions to ask, and potential interventions that can be taken to support breastfeeding – with space for notes.
Resource Type:
Lifeline for Moms Perinatal Mental Health Tool Kit TM
ACOG recognizes the importance of educational tools to help ob-gyns and other women’s health care professionals address perinatal mental health conditions. To this end, ACOG is sharing the Lifeline for Moms Perinatal Mental Health Tool KitTM, developed by the UMass Chan Medical School and reviewed by members of ACOG’s Maternal Mental Health Expert Work Group, to provide actionable information, algorithms, and clinical pearls to support detection, assessment, and treatment of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Website, Toolkit
Love Heals, Never Hurts: Because love shouldn't hurt. Teen Dating Violence Toolkit
The Center for Prevention of Abuse (CFPA), in collaboration with organizations such as Love Is Respect, Let’s Be Real and Break the Cycle, are uniting communities around the world to educate and raise awareness about teen dating violence, the warning signs of abusive relationships and what we can do to protect ourselves. Statistics show many teens are impacted by toxic relationships each year. This toolkit is aimed to educate and inform students about how love should heal and never hurt.
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Resource Type:
Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week Social Media Toolkit (2024)
The blue dot is the national symbol for maternal mental health survivorship, support, and solidarity. The blue dot symbol is owned by the community and is free for anyone to use.
The Purpose of #MMHWeek2024 Toolkit is to: Raise awareness of maternal mental health disorders, Proliferate the blue dot as the symbol of solidarity and support, Combat stigma and shame
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Social Media Toolkit
Maternal Sleep Toolkit
This toolkit provides providers with ways to help patients who suffer from sleeplessness (including pharmaceutical means); including a course of action plan, common etiologies, and multiple screening tools for unhealthy maternal sleeping patterns. This toolkit includes resources for patients as well, such as a Pregnancy Bedtime Checklist and a “prescription” request form to give to their doctor.
Resource Type:
Menu of Maternal Mental Health Prevention and Treatment Options
A resource for obstetric care providers and patients. The Policy Center recently refreshed their "Menu of Prevention and Treatment Options for Maternal Mental Health" to reflect the latest evidence-based interventions and treatments. This comprehensive resource is designed for use by obstetricians, midwives, and family practice providers who provide maternity care, however, can be referred to by patients and other treating providers, as well. The menu serves as a tangible tool that can be printed and utilized during discussions with patients who screen positive or are at risk for maternal mental health disorders.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Screening Tool, Assessment
Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ)
The Mood Disorder Questionnaire (MDQ) is a 15-item self-report screening instrument that can be used to identify clients most likely to have bipolar disorder. The MDQ assists in identifying bipolar disorder and distinguishing it from other mood disturbances in clinical populations.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Assessment, Screening Tool
Mother & Baby Substance Exposure Toolkit
This toolkit introduces best practices to support and improve the quality of care for substance exposed mothers and newborns. Throughout the toolkit, the terms mother or maternal or she or her are used in reference to the birthing person. We recognize not all birthing people identify as mothers or women. We believe all birthing people are equally deserving of patient-centered care that helps them attain their full potential and live authentic, healthy lives.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
Website, Toolkit
Myth vs. Fact: Safe Sleep for Infants
This fact sheet created by the National Institute for Children's Health Qaulity adresses common myths and facts related to SUID, SIDS, and creating a safe sleep environment from the National Institutes of Health and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Baby Safety, Safe Sleep
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
National Harm Reduction Coalition: Training Guide: Pregnancy and Substance Use - A harm reduction toolkit (English and Spanish - 2022)
This toolkit was created by the National Harm Reduction Coalition, this information is intended for use by pregnant and parenting people who use drugs, their loved ones, and their service providers. Their goal is to promote the overall health and well-being of pregnant people who use substances and their families. For many people, upon finding out they are pregnant, they may wonder about reducing or stopping their use. It is important to know that there are many steps that can be taken, related to substance use or not, to have a healthy pregnancy.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Quick-Screen
The NIDA Quick Screen-ASSIST is a two-part screening tool. The NIDA Quick Screen 9 consists of one stem question and then assesses use of: 1) alcohol, 2) tobacco products, 3) prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons, and 4) illegal drugs.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
Assessment, Screening Tool
National Psychiatric Consultation Line (for Medical Prescribers)
For Medical Prescribers Only!! -- Provider Resource
Free, expert consultation line. Connected with a perinatal psychiatrist within 24 hours who can provide advice on diagnosis, treatment, and medication management for preconception, and pregnant and postpartum women. NOT an emergency hotline.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Our Postpartum Pact: Couple's Questionnaire
The Postpartum Pact provides an excellent opportunity for the couple to sit down together and review their previous experience with postpartum depression and/or prepare for an upcoming postpartum period. If you have experienced postpartum depression and are concerned about how you might feel after a subsequent pregnancy, or, if you have a history of depression at any time in your life and want to prepare emotionally for an upcoming birth, it will be helpful to go over this pact with your partner.
Mental Health, Healthy relationships
Resource Type:
Screening Tool, Assessment
PEI Outreach and Education Resources
Through targeted information and education campaigns, the Communications and Outreach Unit develops outreach and educational materials to heighten public awareness about the Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI) and provide communications technical assistance to local health departments and funded agencies.
Mental Health, Perinatal Equity Initiative (PEI)
Resource Type:
Pamphlet - SAMHSA Culture Card A Guide to Build Cultural Awareness: American Indian and Alaska Native Communities
A guide intended to provide basic information and enhance cultural competence for service providers who provide or coordinate services in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities.
Indigenous populations, Health Equity
Resource Type:
Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)
This easy to use patient questionnaire is a self-administered version of the PRIME-MD diagnostic instrument for common mental disorders. The PHQ-9 is the depression module, which scores each of the nine DSM-IV criteria as "0" (not at all) to "3" (nearly every day). It has been validated for use in primary care. It is not a screening tool for depression but it is used to monitor the severity of depression and response to treatment. However, it can be used to make a tentative diagnosis of depression in at-risk populations - eg, those with coronary heart disease or after stroke.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Assessment, Screening Tool
Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale (PASS)
The PASS is a valid and reliable 31-item self-report instrument designed to screen for problematic anxiety in antenatal and postpartum women. It differentiates between high and low risk for presenting with an anxiety disorder by measuring four domains that address specific symptoms of anxiety as they present in perinatal women.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Screening Tool, Assessment
Perinatal Mental Health Patient Safety Bundle
The Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health has developed a patient safety bundle on perinatal mental health conditions to support best practices that make birth safer. Perinatal mental health conditions refer to mood, anxiety, and anxiety-related disorders occurring during pregnancy or within a year of delivery. The bundle includes introductory videos, perinatal mental health condition implementation details and resources, and more.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Planning for Pregnancy Tool
A tool for those who are planning a pregnancy that will tell you all you need to know about how to improve the health of your future pregnancy and child/ren. Posed as a short quiz, just answer the questions honestly and get a list tailored to areas of care you should focus on in addition to resources that may help.
Family planning, Pregnancy journey
Resource Type:
Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health Fact Sheet
The Policy Center released a 2-page printable Maternal Mental Health (MMH) fact sheet. The fact sheet gives an overview of MMH facts on prevalence, risk factors, disparities, and more. Download and share this resource.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health Fact Sheet: American Indian and Alaskan Native Maternal Mental Health (2023)
While mothers of any race can face mental health conditions during pregnancy and after childbirth, American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) women experience higher rates than the average population (Foley & Strunz, 2022). Though the body of research is still growing in the U.S., initial data on the prevalence of maternal depression for AI/AN women in the United States ranges from 14-30% (Heck, 2021).
Indigenous populations
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
Postpartum Support International Online Support Groups
50+ virtual support groups conducted using a peer-to-peer support model. Groups are 90 minutes (1.5 hours) in length. The first ~30 minutes is providing information, education, and establishing group guidelines. The next ~60 minutes is “talk time,” in which group members share and talk with each other. Group members must be present for the group guidelines before joining in the discussion or “talk time.”
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Hotline/Helpline, Support Groups
Postpartum Support International's Chat with an Expert for Dads Hotline
Every 1st Monday 5:00pm PST
This is a place where dads, partners, extended family members or other support people, and professionals can find some answers and support from an expert – and from other men. You’ll find honest and compassionate talk about the adjustment to parenthood, information about how fatherhood can affect you, and some helpful advice.
Chat Number: 1-800-944-8766
Participant Code: 73162#
Resource Type:
Postpartum Support International's Chat with an Expert for Moms Hotline
Every Wednesday, 9:00am PST
During these sessions you can connect with other moms and talk with a PSI expert about resources, symptoms, options and general information about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders from the privacy of your own phone. There is no need to pre-register or give your name. These sessions, facilitated by licensed mental health professionals, are informational only and open to anyone with questions and concerns. Limited to the first 15 callers.
Chat Number: 1-800-944-8766
Participant Code: 73162
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Pregnancy and Substance Use, A Harm Reduction Toolkit
The Pregnancy and Substance Use Harm Reduction Toolkit provides comprehensive information on supporting the overall health and well-being of pregnant people who use substances and their families. This work is written, edited, and informed by people who have lived experience of substance use and pregnancy.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
Pregnancy and Substance Use: A Harm Reduction Toolkit
This toolkit was developed by the National Harm Reduction Coalition in collaboration with the Academy of Perinatal Harm Reduction. It is written for pregnant and parenting people who use drugs, their loved ones, and their service providers, to start the conversation about plans, hopes, goals, and dreams. This toolkit was written, edited, and informed by people with lived experience of substance use and pregnancy.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
Preparing for Your Baby: Information for Pregnant People with Substance Abuse Disorder
This document includes information and resources on common Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) treatment questions, Plans of Safe Care, and child welfare/child protective services. It is designed to help pregnant and parenting people affected by SUDs understand the child welfare system and how to prepare for their baby’s safe and healthy arrival.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
Guide, Toolkit
Prevent, Assess, and Respond: A Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Toolkit for Health Centers & Domestic Violence Programs
Health centers and domestic violence and sexual assault (DV/SA) advocacy programs are natural partners given their shared mission to improve the health, wellness, and safety of their clients. Use this toolkit to build a comprehensive and sustainable response to intimate partner violence (IPV) and human trafficking (HT) in your health center, in partnership with social service organizations.
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), Domestic violence, Human trafficking
Resource Type:
Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5 (PC-PTSD-5)
The Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5 (PC-PTSD-5) is a 5-item screen that was designed to identify individuals with probable PTSD in primary care settings. The measure begins with an item which assesses lifetime exposure to traumatic events.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Assessment, Screening Tool
Promoting Better Health for Mothers and Babies Checklist
Improving maternal safety and outcomes in the U.S. is a top priority. Clinicians and hospitals have worked hard to improve outcomes, but it is important to continue to pursue advancements in maternal care. This checklist from AHA was created to be used to support efforts to optimize maternal safety and outcomes. This tool can be adapted to birth volume and the population you serve and is applicable to hospitals of all sizes. The actions outlined below are based on evidence from the literature and on the expertise of professional groups including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC).
Pregnancy journey, General Health
Resource Type:
Provider Checklist - Psychosis Symptom Overview & Checklist
Psychosis is the term used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Because psychosis involves a break in reality, a person experiencing psychosis may be incapable of completing a symptom screening questionnaire directly, which is why there isn’t a psychosis screening tool. Family and those who are in close contact with the mother are often the first to notice behavior changes. The following psychosis symptom overview can assist families and providers in recognizing psychosis.
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Tip Sheet
Providing Affirmative Care for Patients with Non-Binary Gender Identities
This document created by the National LGBT Health Education Center, includes important terms and
definitions, data, two more case scenarios, and expert-informed practices, offering suggestions for how any staff member within any health care organization can implement simple changes to improve the experiences of patients with non-binary gender identities.
LGBTQIA+, Health Equity
Resource Type:
Providing Inclusive Services and Care for LGBT People: A Guide for Health Care Staff
This guide created by the National LGBT Health Education Center, has been developed to help health care staff provide an affirmative, inclusive, and respectful environment for all clients, with a focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.
LGBTQIA+, Health Equity
Resource Type:
Queer and Trans Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit
This Queer and Trans Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit is an easy-to-use resource for providers, birth workers and those supporting queer and trans birthing people and families. Full of education, practical application and links to training and resources, it is an important tool to expand the conversation of perinatal mental health to better include everyone in our community.
LGBTQIA+, Mental Health
Resource Type:
Recommendations for Impactful Implicit Bias Training: Insights from Perinatal Clinicians & Black Mothers in the SF Bay Area
California has passed a law (SB464) that requires perinatal clinicians to undergo implicit bias training, with the goal of improving care and outcomes for Black birthing people in particular. This project engaged Black birthing people, perinatal clinicians, and socio-legal scholars to produce evidence-based guidance for these trainings. The MEND project has released a planning guide for healthcare facilities based on findings from the MEND study. Review this website for planning guides, fact sheets, and resources for providers and patients.
Health Equity
Resource Type:
Rural Maternal Health Toolkit
Created by the Rural Health Information Hub, this toolkit compiles evidence-based and promising models and resources to support rural communities implementing maternal health programs across the United States. The modules in the toolkit contain resources and information focused on developing, implementing, evaluating, and sustaining rural programs to address the factors that affect and influence maternal health. Many factors can affect maternal health outcomes, including health status, health behaviors, access to healthcare and social services, and quality of healthcare, among other factors.
Rural families
Resource Type:
SAMHSA’s National Helpline
SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.
1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Mental Health
Resource Type:
Hotline/Helpline, Website
SAMHSA’s Working Definition of Recovery: 10 Guiding Principles of Recovery
Infographic that provides a standard, unified working definition and set of principles for recovery that will help advance recovery opportunities for all Americans, and help to clarify these concepts for peers, families, funders, providers, and others.
Substance Use
Resource Type:
SNAP/EBT (CalFresh) Program
The CalFresh Program, federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores. The CalFresh Program helps to improve the health and well-being of qualified households and individuals by providing them with a means to meet their nutritional needs.
Resource Type:
Toolkit, Infographic
Safe Infant Sleep Infographic for Child-care Providers
This infographic by NICHQ provides six simple tips for keeping babies safe when sleeping. Millions of babies across the country attend child-care, which makes child-care providers invaluable allies for championing infant safe sleep. Child-care providers can make sure that all babies in their care sleep in a safe environment and they can help share guidelines and recommended practices with the families they serve. This helpful infographic can empower child-care providers as safe sleep champions.
Baby Safety, Safe Sleep
Resource Type:
Info sheet
Safe Sleep in Child-Care Settings Recommendations for reducing the risk of sudden infant death
A safe sleep environment can lower the chances of an infant dying of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes. NICHQ developed this handout and FAQ for non-parental caregivers in child-care settings. It is useful for centers and family child-care homes. Some of the recommendations may also be true for parents and families in their homes. Others are specific to the child-care environment.
Baby Safety, Safe Sleep
Resource Type:
Fact Sheet
Safety Planning: A Guide for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Individuals who are experiencing intimate partner violence
This comprehensive safety planning guide is designed specifically for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals who may be experiencing intimate partner violence. It acknowledges the importance of taking steps to improve safety in the face of such challenges, offering practical advice for creating p