Our Collaborative Plan
The Maternal Health Network has established a collaborative strategic plan to improve the maternal health system for families in San Bernardino County.
Maternal Health Network Goals
The following goals were developed to drive collaboration efforts over the term of this plan.
Ensure there will be equity in experiences and outcomes amongst African American/Black families engaged in the maternal health system as compared to other groups.
Early Identification of Risk
Increase early screenings and connection to care for families with high risk pregnancies and ensure they know about and engage in healthy habits before, during and directly following pregnancy.
Access to Community Resources
Improve coordination of care and cross collaboration between sector providers and county coalitions so that families will know about and will be able to access services that meet their full range of needs.
Data Sufficiency
Increase reliable, timely and comprehensive data collection efforts across the maternal health network to drive quality improvement and decision making.
Provider Capacity
Equip the Maternal Health Network with a sufficient workforce to meet community needs in a culturally competent fashion.